Chandler Family - Edmund Chandler (1585-1662), Immigrant Ancestor
Descendants of Edmund Chandler
Generation No. 1 1. EDMUND1 CHANDLER was born Abt. 1585 in England, and died May 1662 in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony. He married NAME UNKNOWN. Notes for EDMUND CHANDLER: The following is from the Edmund Chandler Family Association website at the following URL: http://www.edmundchandler.com/ EDMUND
First, a note about Edmund Chandler and his family. The opinion of the great Mayflower researcher, George Ernest Bowman, was that there were many serious errors written about Edmund Chandler and his descendants. According to Eugene Aubrey Stratton, former Historian General of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Bowman was able to correct some of the mistakes. Unfortunately, there are many old books still around that, though sincere efforts by their authors, are riddled with errors that have been perpetuated on the Internet. See the Myths, Mix-ups and Questions section on this site. We have tried to provide the most reliable information that we could find; however, if we made errors, let us know! The origins of Edmund (also spelled Edmond) Chandler are still a mystery (see section titled Where did Edmund Chandler Originate from? on this site). We think that he was probably born in the 1580s or no later than 1592, as he had to have been an adult when he was admitted to citizenship of Leiden, Holland in 1613. Another clue to his age was the Able to Bear Arms list for Duxbury in 1643. All able-bodied males between 16 and 60 were required to be on the list and Edmund was not, which would probably indicate that he was aged 60 or older in 1643 or not able-bodied. There was also a Nathanell Chaundor on that Able to Bear Arms list, but nothing more is known of him. Was he a relative of Edmund? What happened to him? We dont know, as that is the only mention of him in the records. Documents still surface from time to time that may shed light on Edmunds origins and life. We hope future DNA studies of his male direct line descendants may eventually lead to his origins in England. Chandler is an occupational name, so there is probably no one place or person from which all Chandlers originate. As Chandler is a common name in Wiltshire and Hampshire perhaps his origins will be found there. Other possibilities are Essex and Berkshire. We do not know the names of Edmunds wives. We know that he had at least two marriages. He did not marry Elizabeth Alden. His grandson married an Elizabeth Alden. See the Myths, Mix-ups and Questions section to find Edmund Chandler and Elizabeth Alden on this site. It is believed that Edmund was probably related to Roger Chandler as they were together in Leiden. They were members of the Separatist congregation of Rev. John Robinson. Separatists believed in complete separation from the Church of England, unlike the Puritans who only wished to purify (i.e. radically simplify) it. Roger arrived in Plymouth after the 1627 cattle division in Plymouth as he was not on the list of residents that received cattle and goats. It is believed that all of the residents of the colony were on the 1627 list with the exception of transients. Roger also later moved to Duxbury as did Edmund. Duxbury was part of the Plymouth colonys expansion. Edmund probably arrived in Plymouth Colony in 1629 or 1630 as that is when arrangements were made to bring the last of the Leiden congregation over. A few stragglers may have arrived later, but in any case he arrived before 1633 as he was on the list of Duxbury freemen for that year, the first mention of him in the Plymouth colony. Only menial occupations were available to the Separatists in Holland. Edmund was a draper, say-weaver (a weaver of coarse blanket-like cloth) as was Roger, and a pipe- maker. When Edmund died a parcel of books was listed in an inventory of his estate. So he was almost certainly literate. Many people in those days were not, and not many people owned books. When Edmund came to Duxbury, he became active in the governing of the town. He became the Constable of Duxbury (the equivalent of Chief Executive Officer) and participated in other civic activities. Like many other colonists, he became active in acquiring real estate. He acquired land by both grants and purchase. The Plymouth colonists obtained land by purchase from the Native Americans. Stephen Hopkins, one of those who arrived on the Mayflower, was quoted as saying The King doesnt own the land, the Indians do. Plymouth expanded the colony, by establishing the towns of Duxbury, Scituate, Marshfield, Barnstable, Sandwich, Yarmouth, Taunton, Eastham, Rehoboth, Bridgewater, Dartmouth (Mass.) among others. Like many colonists he became a Proprietor, but not a resident, of what would become early towns like Bridgewater. The land that he didnt sell or trade he left to his sons. When he died he left 3500 weight of sugar in the Barbados to his daughters. It is unknown if he meant pounds of sugar when he referred to weight in his Will. How he acquired the sugar is unknown, although sugar was used as money in that time. It would have been virtually impossible for Edmund to have owned a sugar plantation before he came to Duxbury as some old books say. (See The Edmund Chandler Sugar Plantation Myth on this site in the Myths, Mix-ups and Questions section.) The children named in Edmunds Will were sons Samuel (believed to have been born to his first wife), Joseph and Benjamin and daughters Sarah, Anna, Mary and Ruth. It is believed that his second wife had died before him. His son, John, died about 10 years previously on the way to Barbados (See Myths, Mix-ups, and Questions for Those Confusing John Chandlers and The Edmund Chandler Sugar Plantation Myth on this site). His only male children that are believed to have had children were Joseph and Benjamin.
Timeline: 1580s Edmund was most likely born sometime during this decade. November 11, 1613 He was admitted to citizenship in Leiden, Holland under the guarantee of Roger Wilson and Henry Wood. (From Small) April 27, 1615 He guaranteed Leiden citizenship for John Keble. (From Small) March 26, 1619 He buried a child in St. Peters Church in Leiden. Edmund was living in Nieuwestadt, Holland. (From Small) May 5, 1623 He guaranteed Leiden citizenship for Roger White. (From Small) April 17, 1626 He guaranteed Leiden citizenship for Edward Coolidge. (From Small) July 31, 1628 He was a witness for the Last Will and Testament of Catherine Edmonds, wife of William Cubitt in Leiden, Holland. (From the Dutch Archives Internet site, see Sources below). N.B. The English translation of this Will on the Dutch Archives site contains an error - the name of the testator is shown as Catherine Edmonds Chandler (introducing the possibility that she could be related to Edmund the witness). However, examination of the Dutch original makes it clear that the only person named Chandler in the document is Edmund. 1629 or 1630 Edmund most likely left Holland for Plymouth during this period. Isaac Allerton and Mr. Sherley facilitated the emigration of the remaining members of Rev. Robinsons congregation, of which Edmund was a member, who wished to leave Holland. (From Plymouth Colony) January 1, 1633 Edmund was listed as a freeman in Duxbury, Massachusetts. One had to be a member in good standing of the church in those days to be a freeman. He was also listed as a freeman in March 1637 and in 1658. (From Small) October 20, 1634 He sold a lot to John Rogers adjoining Robert Hicks land on the Duxbury side. (From Small) January 3, 1636/37 He was chosen Constable (the equivalent of Chief Executive Officer) of the town of Duxbury. He was sworn in on March 7, 1636/37. (From Small) June 7, 1636 He was chosen to serve on a jury. (From Small) January 29, 1638/9 He took an apprentice, John Edwards. (From Small) April 2, 1638 Threescore acres of land are granted to Edmund Chandler onŒthe Duxburrrow side byŒCaptain Standish and Mr. Alden. This was his homestead later occupied by his sons. (From Small) May 30, 1637 He gave bail for Samuel Chaundler, probably his son, regarding an indebtedness. (From Small and Plymouth Colony) June 4, 1639 He and Jonathan Brewster were sent as the first Deputies from Duxbury to the Plymouth Colony General Court to look into uniting Duxbury and Plymouth. (From Small and Plymouth Colony) July 19, 1639 He bought one acre of land from Thomas Besbeech (Bixby) of Duxbury to build a house. (From Small) September 1, 1640 He served on a jury before the General Court. (From Small) October 5, 1640 He served on a jury before the Court of Assistants. (From Small) November 2, 1640 He received a 50 acre grant of land at North River by the General Court. (From Small) June 8, 1650 He sold the one acre of land that he bought from Thomas Besbeech plus the house and improvements to John Browne of Duxbury. June 7, 1651 He sold the 50 acres of North River land to Thomas Byrd of Scituate. (From Small) May 4, 1653 He bought 2 acres of marsh meadow adjacent to his property from John Washburn, Jr. (From Small) July 15, 1653 He exchanged his interest in his Bridgewater land (of which he was a proprietor) for interest in land in Dartmouth, Mass. He was one of 34 purchasers of the Dartmouth (Massachusetts) land and places adjacent. (From Small) July 3, 1656 The General Court purchased land from the Native Americans - what is now Freetown, Dartmouth and Fall River Mills near Rhode Island - to be granted to freemen. (From Small) April 2, 1659 The Dartmouth land and places adjacent as mentioned above was conveyed to Edmund Chandler among others. This share of land by the Taunton River was left by Will to his son Joseph. Edmund left his whole share of land in Dartmouth to his son, Samuel. May 2, 1662 He wrote his Will leaving his estate to his sons and daughters. His wife most likely died previously. He owned land in Duxbury, Dartmouth and Taunton when he died. May 2 to June 2, 1662 Edmund died between May 2nd and June 2nd when his estate was inventoried. Sources: Plymouth Colony, Its History and People 1620-1621 by Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Ancestry Publishing, 1986. Stratton was the former Historian General of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. Original source material is listed in this book. The Genealogy of Edward Small of New England and the Allied Families with Tracings of English Ancestry by Lora Altine Woodbury Underhill (Cambridge, Mass. 1910). This is considered the most complete, meticulously documented genealogy of the early Chandlers. Original sources are listed. Chapter 13, The Chandler Family, is 68 pages long and covers Edmund and several generations of his descendants. There have been discoveries since it was first written. John was found to be Edmunds son and not his brother, as was Samuel. We still have not found more information about Nathaniel (Nathanell Chaundor).
Child of E DMUND CHANDLER and NAME UNKNOWN is:2. i. JOSEPH2 CHANDLER, b. 1638, Duxbury, Plymouth Colony; d. 1721, Duxbury, Massachusetts Colony.
Generation No. 2 2. JOSEPH2 CHANDLER (EDMUND1) was born 1638 in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony, and died 1721 in Duxbury, Massachusetts Colony. He married MERCY PRICE. She died 1727.Child of JOSEPH CHANDLER and MERCY PRICE is: 3. i. JOSEPH3 CHANDLER, b. Abt. 1678, Duxbury, Massachusetts; d. Abt. 1745, North Yarmouth, Maine.
Generation No. 3 3. JOSEPH3 CHANDLER (JOSEPH2, EDMUND1) was born Abt. 1678 in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony and died Abt. 1745 in North Yarmouth, Maine. He married MARTHA HUNT 12 Feb 1701 in Duxbury, Massachusetts.Notes for JOSEPH CHANDLER: He is said to have been a blacksmith in the town of Duxbury.
Child of J OSEPH CHANDLER and MARTHA HUNT is:4. i. JONATHAN4 CHANDLER, b. 18 Feb 1718, Duxbury, Massachusetts; d. 20 Jul 1786, North Yarmouth, Maine.
Generation No. 4 4. JONATHAN4 CHANDLER (JOSEPH3, JOSEPH2, EDMUND1) was born 18 Feb 1717/1718 in Duxbury, Massachusetts, and died 20 Jul 1786 in North Yarmouth, Maine. He married RACHEL MITCHELL 19 Jan 1749 in North Yarmouth, Maine. She was born 1730 in North Yarmouth, Maine, and died 01 Jan 1814 in North Yarmouth, Maine.Notes for JONATHAN CHANDLER: Jonathan Chandler is said to have been a "coaster" and a "yeoman." His and his wife's dates of death are recorded in the records of the First Church of Yarmouth.
Child of J ONATHAN CHANDLER and RACHEL MITCHELL is:5. i. JOEL5 CHANDLER, b. 21 Jul 1770, North Yarmouth, Maine; d. 1854.
Generation No. 5 5. JOEL5 CHANDLER (JONATHAN4, JOSEPH3, JOSEPH2, EDMUND1) was born 21 Jul 1770 in North Yarmouth, Maine, and died 1854. He married PAMELA LINCOLN 19 Jan 1795 in Hingham, Maine. She was born 13 Oct 1777 in Hingham, Maine.Child of JOEL CHANDLER and PAMELA LINCOLN is: 6. i. PAMELA6 CHANDLER, b. 30 Jun 1799, Freeport, Maine; d. 08 Nov 1865, Brooklyn, New York.
Generation No. 6 6. PAMELA6 CHANDLER (JOEL5, JONATHAN4, JOSEPH3, JOSEPH2, EDMUND1) was born 30 Jun 1799 in Freeport, Maine, and died 08 Nov 1865 in Brooklyn, New York. She married SAMUEL COLMAN 02 Sep 1824 in Portland, Maine, son of SAMUEL COLMAN and SUSANNA ATKINS. He was born 18 Apr 1799 in Augusta, Maine, and died 19 Nov 1865 in Brooklyn New York.Notes for SAMUEL COLMAN: Samuel Colman, Sr. was born in Maine. He and his family resided in Boston from the late 1820s until about 1837, when they removed to Brooklyn, New York. In both Boston and New York, Samuel was a fine arts bookseller and publisher. Upon occasion, he would also do engravings for some of the books that he published. Both his wife Pamela Lewis Chandler Colman and his eldest daughter, Pamela Atkins Colman, were successful authors of children's books.
Children of P AMELA CHANDLER and SAMUEL COLMAN are:7. i. PAMELA ATKINS7 COLMAN, b. 01 Jun 1825, Brookline, Massachusetts; d. 25 Dec 1900, Brooklyn, New York. 8. ii. SAMUEL COLMAN, b. 04 Mar 1832, Portland, Maine; d. 26 Mar 1920, New York City. 9. iii. CORINNE COLMAN, b. 04 Jul 1834, Portland, Maine; d. 1896, Saint Andrews, Jamaica. 10. iv. MARIAN COLMAN, b. 20 Aug 1837, New York County, New York; d. 1932, New York. v. ISABELLA COLMAN, b. 20 Aug 1837, New York County, New York. vi. CATHERINE JACKSON COLMAN, b. 01 Mar 1830, Portland, Maine.
Generation No. 7 7. PAMELA ATKINS7 COLMAN (PAMELA6 CHANDLER, JOEL5, JONATHAN4, JOSEPH3, JOSEPH2, EDMUND1) was born 01 Jun 1825 in Brookline, Massachusetts, and died 25 Dec 1900 in Brooklyn, New York. She married SAMUEL EMERSON HOWARD 11 Jun 1846 in Brookline, Massachusetts, son of STEPHEN HOWARD and LUCY FROTHINGHAM. He was born 20 Mar 1820 in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and died 03 Oct 1896 in Brooklyn, New York.Notes for SAMUEL EMERSON HOWARD: The following is from the book entitled Howard Genealogy (1884) by Jarvis Cutler Howard, pages 38-39: "Mr. S. E. Howard acquired his early education in the schools of Newburyport, and three years spent in Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H. At the age of sixteen, he went to Boston, an apprentice in the dry goods business, where he remained some five years. He then went to New York City, as clerk, at a small salary, in the house of William H. Carey & Co. After two years he became a member of the firm, and has since continued one of the house, though under different firm names. The one long and favorably known was that of Howard, Sanger & Co. This is one of the few mercantile houses of New York that has stood unshaken by the many gales of financial disaster that have swept over the country during the past forty years. In 1880, Mr. Howard relinquished to his sons, under the firm name of Howard Brothers & Reed, the more active duties and responsibilities of the business, though he still retains a large interest therein. Few men have applied themselves more constantly, carefully, and assiduously to business, or with more uniform success. Commencing with a small capital, he has added to it from year to year, and multiplied it to an ample fortune. Though naturally modest and unassuming, and shrinking intuitively from public notice, he has held high official positions, both in New York and Brooklyn, in various financial and other incorporated institutions, and is held in great confidence and esteem by all with whom he has business and social relations."
Children of P AMELA COLMAN and SAMUEL HOWARD are:i. LEWIS EMERSON8 HOWARD, b. 25 Mar 1847, Brooklyn, New York. ii. HELEN GERTRUDE HOWARD, b. 09 Oct 1848, Brooklyn, New York; d. 27 Feb 1873, Amalfi, Italy. iii. KATHERINE PARKER HOWARD, b. 14 Jul 1850, Brooklyn, New York. iv. WILLIAM COLMAN HOWARD, b. 02 Jun 1851, Brooklyn, New York. v. BERTHA OSGOOD HOWARD, b. 28 Aug 1854, Brooklyn, New York; d. Jan 1920, Milford, Pike County, Pennsylvania. vi. CORINNE COLMAN HOWARD, b. 13 Oct 1856, Brooklyn, New York.
8. SAMUEL7 COLMAN (PAMELA6 CHANDLER, JOEL5, JONATHAN4, JOSEPH3, JOSEPH2, EDMUND1) was born 04 Mar 1832 in Portland, Maine, and died 26 Mar 1920 in New York City. He married (1) ANN LAWRENCE DUNHAM 1862 in Newport, Rhode Island, daughter of EDWARD DUNHAM and MARIA PARKER. She was born 06 Nov 1832 in New York City, and died 28 Jul 1902 in New York City. He married (2) LILLIAN MARGARET GAFFNEY 1903. Notes for SAMUEL COLMAN: The information set forth below is taken from the White Mountain Art & Artists website at the following URL: http://whitemountainart.com/Biographies/bio_scj.htm "Although Samuel Colman's name is often spelled with an "e," the family spelled the name "Colman," and the Aldine Press in its art column (1868-79) referred to the artist as Colman. He studied under Asher B. Durand and became an associate of the National Academy of Design in 1854 and a full academician ten years later. In 1866 he helped found the American Society of Painters in Water Colors and was its first president. He became interested in etching in 1867 and, in 1877, at the founding of the New York Etching Club, exhibited a number of landscape etchings. "Colman spent the summer of 1856 in Jackson, NH, sharing a studio with his brother-in-law, Aaron Draper Shattuck. The Crayon of that year noted: "Mr. Colman has made wide advances on all his previous studies ... He has a study of Mote [sic] Mountain and the Ledges at North Conway, with a wheat-field in the foreground." "As early as 1853, he exhibited at the National Academy of Design and shortly thereafter at the Boston Athenaeum. He was also a frequent exhibitor at the Brooklyn Art Association. "In 1867, Henry Tuckerman wrote of Colman, "to the eye of refined taste, to the quite lover of nature, there is a peculiar charm in Colman's style which, sooner or later, will be greatly appreciated." Implicit in Tuckerman's statement is his observation of a strong individualism in Colman's style. "He visited Spain and Morocco and painted scenes in a combination of pastel and gauche. He was a partner of Louis Comfort Tiffany in interior design and worked on Samuel Clemens's house in Hartford, CT. For a time he was a member of the Century Association but resigned in 1884.Colman's paintings are represented by the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the National Museum of American Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Union League Club among other prominent collections." The following is taken from his obituary that appeared in the New York Times on 30 March 1920: "SAMUEL COLMAN, PAINTER, DIES AT 88; Noted Etcher Succumbs at City Home from Recent Injuries in His 89th Year. "Samuel Colman, one of the foremost American landscape painters and a noted etcher, died Saturday afternoon at his home at 320 Central Park West from shock as a result of two serious accidents which occurred during the year. Being in his 89th year, Mr. Colman was one of the oldest members of the National Academy of Design and was the oldest in point of service. He had the fate of being the fourth academician in a little more than two weeks to die. "Mr. Colman commenced dabbing in paints when still a boy, his artistic abilities being inherited from his father, Samual, who was a publisher and, in his time, a well-known etcher. At the age of 18 Samuel, the second, placed some of his works on exhibition in the Academy of design and these assured those who viewed them of great sucess for him in future years. Ten years later, he was chosen as an Associate National Academician and in 1864 was honored as an Academician. "The same year that he was accepted as an associate member of the Academy he left for Europe where he visited France, Italy, Spain and Morocco for the purpose of increasing his knowledge of art and painting. He spent two years in the art centres of Europe at this time, but returned again in 1870, remaining there five years. "He was born in Portland, Me. March 4, 1832, the son of Samuel and Pamela Chandler Colman. Thirty years later he married Ann Lawrence Dunham, who was the daughter of Edward Dunham, President of the Corn Exchange Bank. After her death he took for his wife in 1903, Lillian Margaret Gaffney of Claremont N.H. She and their son Samuel, third, survive. ... "
Notes for ANN LAWRENCE DUNHAM: Date of her death was obtained from her obituary that appeared in the New York Times on 30 July 1902. Child of S AMUEL COLMAN and LILLIAN GAFFNEY is:i. WILLIAM8 COLMAN.
9. CORINNE7 COLMAN (PAMELA6 CHANDLER, JOEL5, JONATHAN4, JOSEPH3, JOSEPH2, EDMUND1) was born 04 Jul 1834 in Portland, Maine, and died 1896 in Saint Andrews, Jamaica. She married CHARLES EDWARD SMITH 28 Sep 1870 in New York, son of CYRUS SMITH and LYDIA LEWIS. He was born 27 May 1846 in Brooklyn, New York, and died 01 Dec 1899 in Brooklyn, New York. Notes for CHARLES EDWARD SMITH: Source for date of birth: book entitled The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker, Hartford, Connecticut, 1586-1908 (1909): Charles Edward Smith's obituary appeared in the New York Times for 3 Dec 1899 as follows: "SMITH - On Friday, Dec 1 at his residence in New York City, Charles Edward Smith, son the the late Cyrus P. Smith of Brooklyn, in the 53d year of his age. Funeral services will be held at the residence of his brother-in-law, Willis L. Ogden, 73 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn. on Sunday, Dec 3, at 2:30 o'clock." Child of C ORINNE COLMAN and CHARLES SMITH is:i. CORINNE PAMELA COLMAN8 SMITH, b. 16 Feb 1878, Middlesex County, England; d. 18 Sep 1951, Bude, Cornwall.
10. MARIAN7 COLMAN (PAMELA6 CHANDLER, JOEL5, JONATHAN4, JOSEPH3, JOSEPH2, EDMUND1) was born 20 Aug 1837 in New York County, New York, and died 1932 in New York. She married AARON DRAPER SHATTUCK 1860 in New York City. He was born 1832 in Francestown, New Hampshire, and died 1928 in New York. Notes for AARON DRAPER SHATTUCK: The following is taken from the Questroyal Fine Art, LLC Website at this URL: http://www.questroyalfineart.com/artist/aaron-draper-shattuck Aaron Draper Shattuck was one of the leading artists of the Hudson River School’s second generation, known for his small, intimate views of nature. His gentle pastoral landscapes proved immensely popular with nineteenth century audiences. As Henry Tuckerman, the foremost art critic of the period, explains: "Shattuck imparts a rural feeling so genial and genuine that we feel transported to the very spot he represents." Born in Francestown, New Hampshire, Shattuck trained in the area under Alexander Ransom, a portrait and landscape painter. He left with Ransom for New York in 1855, submitting his first painting to the National Academy of Design that same year and quickly establishing himself in the leading art circles of the time. Best known for his White Mountain scenes, he summered there from 1854 to 1860, sharing an old farmhouse with Samuel Colman, Sanford Robinson Gifford and Richard William Hubbard. In 1859, he opened a studio in the famous Tenth Street Studio Building, forming close working relationships with his neighbors, Albert Bierstadt and Frederic Church; he married Samuel Colman’s sister, Marion, the following year. In 1870, he and his family moved to Granby, Connecticut, a cattle-raising town steeped in rustic tradition, which provided continual inspiration for his landscape paintings. Shattuck was remarkably successful throughout the second half of the nineteenth century. He was named an Associate and Academician of the National Academy of Design and exhibited at all the major venues, including the National Academy of Design, the Boston Athenaeum, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the Washington Art Association and the Brooklyn Art Association. Today, his work is featured in the collections of the Wadsworth Athenaeum Museum of Art, The Brooklyn Museum of Art, the High Museum of Art, the Newark Museum, the Hudson River Museum, the Farnsworth Art Museum, and the New Britain Museum of American Art. Children of M ARIAN COLMAN and AARON SHATTUCK are:i. WILLIAM8 SHATTUCK. ii. WALTER SHATTUCK. iii. EDWIN SHATTUCK. iv. ISABEL SHATTUCK. v. HELEN SHATTUCK. vi. BERTHA SHATTUCK.